What's New in IACRA
August 15, 2017
IACRA Version 8.15 This release contains the following changes:
Registration / Application
- Users may now apply for ATP certificates with Restricted Privileges (61.160). The applicant can apply for this certificate under Part 61, 142, 121 and 135 based on specific criteria to include qualifying hours, former or current Military, or credits from a Degree program.
- Several statuses have been renamed to be more descriptive. For instance, "Submitted" has been renamed "Partially Complete – Ready for Next Action" to indicate the application isn't complete.
- Applicants will now have the ability to delete applications that have the status of "Partially Complete – Ready for Next Action." A delete option has been added as an Available Action on the applicant’s console.
- Previous limitations from the airman’s FAA Commercial and Private pilot’s record are now displayed on the Certificate summary and final temporary certificate. The Certifying Officer will have the option to remove the limitation from the temporary certificate from the Limitations page.
- A correction was made to accurately update Section IV on form 8710-1 if the applicant changed their answer to the failed rating question.
- The hair color "White" is now available.
- Users may now register for another role if their current role is restricted.
- Additional countries have been included as a selection for citizenship, place of birth and foreign certificates.
- The Certificate Summary and final temporary certificate for original private applications will now display the Student certificate number
- The School Administrator console now includes help text identifying curricula with examining authority.
Certifying Officers
- Users will no longer be able to use an expired ATA or ATP Knowledge test when applying for an ATP airplane multiengine rating.
- Users may upload ATP Training Certificates.
- A sporadic error that occurred when Recommending Instructors tried to sign Remote pilot applications has been corrected.
- PTRS will now record the appropriate Operations ASI for applications signed by a Designee.
- PTRS records for part 121/135 will reflect completed applications when a type rating is being sought.
- The validation message when a Certifying Officer attempts to retrieve a CFI 61 Original application before it has been signed by a Recommending Instructor
has been corrected.
- A state field has been added the Airmen Id section under the “Other” option.
- The 8610-1 was changed to display the correct ID entered under Other form of identification.
- The text link for reviewing the Privacy Act and PBR is now “Review the Privacy Act Statement with the Applicant” and “Review Pilot’s Bill of Rights with the Applicant”.
January 21, 2014
IACRA Version 8.7 This release contains the following changes:
Application Section
- Airline Transport Category Class - Total Class Hours and Full Flight Simulator Hours fields were added beneath the existing aeronautical grid for applicant entry. Hours entered in these fields will be displayed on the back page of the 8710-1 in the Comments section.
In a future release, the aeronautical section of the 8710-1 will be updated to include these new fields.
- Refresh Issue on Summary Page - A page refresh issue was occurring on the certificate summary page. This issue has been corrected.
- Application Error on Rating Selection - An intermittent application error was displayed when a rating was changed on Step 2 on the rating selection page. This issue has been corrected.
- Private Restricted U.S. Test Passed Instrument Helicopter - IACRA was not allowing an application to be submitted for an added rating “U.S. test passed” for Instrument Helicopter to a certificate holder with Private pilot certificate issued on the basis of a foreign license. This issue has been corrected.
Certifying Officers
- Application Error Retrieving FTN - An application error occurred on the Certifying Officer console when attempting to retrieve specific 142 applications. This issue has been corrected.
- Commercial 121 Second in Command Retrieval - IACRA was preventing an Aircrew Program Designee (APD) from retrieving a Commercial 121 SIC application if the APD was associated to, but not active with another Air Operator. This issue has been corrected.
- Final Stage Checklist Error - Spaces in the simulator field on the Final Stage checklist caused an application error in the Final Stage Checklist. This issue was corrected in this release.
- Missing Practical Test Signatures - IACRA has been corrected to address a periodic issue with missing signatures for Airline Transport applications.
- Update to Letter of Discontinuance - A “Reason” for the letter of discontinuance is now required for Airline Transport Pilot applications.
- Advanced Qualification Program Error - An application error occurred if an AQP test was discontinued without entering simulator information, and the user then attempted to approve the test. This issue has been corrected in this release.
- Simulator Value Application Error - An application error occurred on the practical test page for type rating certificates if the simulator test was discontinued and the duration was removed. This issue has been corrected.
- Test Results for Two Aircraft - The single practical test page was changed to ensure that the Certifying officer enters test results for two aircraft if both were selected.
- PTRS Viewer - A PTRS viewer for Aviation Safety Inspectors/Technicians is now available on the Aviation Safety/Technicians consoles.
Aviation Safety Inspectors/Technicians may now view Designee (and their own) PTRS records via the PTRS viewer and in some cases link directly to SPAS.
To link to SPAS, users must be on a computer that has access to SPAS. Users my initially be required to enter their FAA login credentials. Please preface your User Name with “FAA”. Example faa\aqs230zz
- Application Error Saving PBR - Users experienced an application error attempting to save the Pilots Bill of Rights statement. This issue has been corrected.
- Training Device Update - The IACRA Training Device process has been changed to ensure that all training devices are correctly updated.
- PTRS Process Changes - The PTRS update process has been updated to correct missing information in the PTRS file.
- Username Retrieval - Users now have the ability to retrieve their username and password. When “Forgot username or password?” link is selected, the user will be redirected to the Online Recovery Option page. The user name will be shown when the user enters their FTN and answers the security questions. The recovered username will then be displayed.
April 25, 2013
IACRA Version 8.6 This release contains the following changes:
Application Section
- Commercial 141 Rotorcraft Helicopter Issue - IACRA edits for flight times have been corrected for Commercial CFR 141 Rotorcraft Helicopter.
- Commercial 61 Rotorcraft Helicopter Issue - IACRA edits for flight times have been corrected for Commercial CFR 61 Rotorcraft Helicopter.
- Military Aircraft Length Issue - The two aircraft field descriptions in the Military Competence section will be fully displayed in Section IIB (4a) and 4(b) on the 8710-1.
- Name Length Issue - An application could not be started if an applicant’s entire name met the maximum length of characters allowed in IACRA. This issue has been corrected in this release.
- Flight Instructor Renewal Issue - IACRA will now allow an applicant to submit a Flight Instructor Renewal application if the user holds the appropriate ratings and also holds a Flight Instructor Sport certificate.
- Missing Limitation on Temporary - IACRA will now place the mandatory limitation “Not valid for carriage of persons for hire in airplanes on cross-country flights of more than 50 nautical miles or at night” for a Commercial CFR 61 Original airplane rating, when an applicant only holds a private unrestricted airplane rating.
- Missing Edits for Foreign Certificates - IACRA edits now requires that an applicant applying for an added rating based on a U.S. practical test must already hold a foreign based pilot certificate.
- Missing Hours for U.S. Test Passed - IACRA edits now requires the appropriate flight hours when applying for a Private Pilot Restricted Added U.S. Test Passed Added Category/Class airplane rating.
- Commercial Glider Hours Issue - IACRA edits for flight times have been corrected for Commercial Glider hours.
Recommending Instructors
- Airplane Retrieval Issue - IACRA was incorrectly requiring that the Recommending Instructor hold an Instrument rating, in order to retrieve a Private pilot Original or Added Category Class airplane rating. This issue has been corrected in this release.
- Incorrect Retrieval Requirement - IACRA was incorrectly requiring an Instructors Recommendation for a CFR 61.75 Private Pilot Original certificate. This issue has been corrected in this release.
- Erroneous Message - IACRA was incorrectly displaying the message “Recommending Instructor signature is out of date” in the wrong location. This issue has been corrected in this release.
- Signature Requirement - IACRA edits now requires a Recommending Instructor signature for Flight Instructor CFR 61 Added Category Class Airplane Single Engine or Airplane Multi Engine certificates.
Certifying Officers
- Designated Pilot Examiner Balloon Issue - IACRA was requiring that a Designated Pilot Examiner hold a flight instructor certificate in order to process Commercial Lighter than air balloon applications. This issue has been corrected in this release.
- Flight Test Hours Issue - IACRA was allowing the Certifying Officers to enter flight test hours as “zero” in the single practical test section. This issue has been corrected in this release.
- Delete Button Issue - There was an intermittent signing error for ATP certificates when using the delete button on the practical test page. This specific issue has been corrected in this release.
- Update to CFI Expiration Date - The Certifying Officer may now modify the CFI expiration date on the Certifying Officer checklist in the Limitation section. The change to the expiration date will be reflected on the final temporary certificate.
- ATP Practical Test Issue - IACRA incorrectly required that the Certifying Officer enter either flight or simulator test results if the applicant failed the oral portion of the test for an ATP certificate. This issue has been corrected in this release.
- Missing Text on Change Password - IACRA now displays the entire help text on the change password screen, if the applicant failed the password security requirements.
- Training Center Evaluator Authorization - IACRA was listing all Training Center Evaluators as “authorized” in their user profile, when a TCE may be restricted for a given Air Agency. This issue has been corrected in this release.
- Duplicate Curriculums for 142 Training Centers - Duplicate curriculums for 142 Training Centers have been removed from the curriculum selection list.
- Mailing Address Changes for form 8400-3 - Mailing address location changes have been modified on the 8400-3.
- Air Carrier Temporary Certificates - The temporary airman certificate is now marked as “Original” for an ATP 121 or 135 Upgrade or Transition certificates when the applicant holds only a Commercial pilot certificate.
- Validity Period Change for Practical Tests - The validity period for the Recommending Instructor signature and practical tests has been changed to allow for two calendar months.
- Long Name Issue on PBR Acknowledgment - The “Click to Sign” and “Cancel” links were overlapping on long names on the Pilot’s Bill of Rights acknowledgement. This issue has been corrected in this release.
January 30, 2013
IACRA Version 8.5.1 (Release date January 30, 2013)
This release contains the following changes:
Application Section
- Type rating selection - A correction has been made for type ratings containing a "-", specifically Gulfstream: G-IV, G-V, and GVI. Previously, when searching for these type ratings, the wrong type rating was being displayed.
- Return Application to Applicant Issue - applications could no longer be retrieved when returned by the recommending instructor or certifying officer. This issue has been corrected in this release.
January 10, 2013
IACRA Version 8.5 This release contains the following changes:
Application Section
Completion of Required Test Aircraft Time - If the applicant entered ‘0’ for any of the times in the Completion of Required Test Section, IACRA was leaving these fields blank on the 8710-1 instead of displaying ‘0’. This issue has been corrected in this release.
Airline Transport Pilot Type Rating Issue - If an applicant holds a Commercial multi engine type rating and applies for an Airline Transport Pilot single engine rating, IACRA was incorrectly moving the multi engine type rating to the ATP level on the temporary certificate. This issue has been corrected in this release.
Original with Foreign and Restricted Certificate - IACRA has been corrected to display “Pending” on the temporary certificate for applicants applying for an Original certificate when holding both a foreign and 61.75 restricted certificate.
Citizenship Country Selection - Palestine, Taiwan and Taiwan Republic of China (ROC) are now available in IACRA as selections for citizenship and place of birth.
Private 141 Added Category Class Hours - IACRA was incorrectly requiring solo hours for Private Pilot CFR 141 Added Category Rotorcraft Helicopter. The validation for rotorcraft solo and rotorcraft cross-country solo has been removed from the aeronautical grid for this scenario. The two messages: “Must have at least 5 solo rotorcraft hours” and “Must have at least some rotorcraft cross-country solo hours” have also been removed.
ATP Rotorcraft Helicopter/Airplane Type Ratings - IACRA was not elevating the type ratings correctly for Airplane Multi Engine Land (AMEL) on the temporary certificates. This issue has been corrected in this release.
Training Center Selection Issue - Applicants for Part 142 Training centers were unable to select the correct Training Center from the selection list because the description and location were being cut off. IACRA now displays the designation code in front of the Training center. The length of the display has also been widened.
School Administrators
Improved Help - Users associated with Air Agencies have reported that the authorization process is not intuitive. Additional help has been included for a School Administrator or Air Carrier Flight Instructor when either role registers with a new air agency or adds one to their existing profile.
Certifying Officers
Return Application for Pilot’s Bill of Rights - An issue has been corrected regarding the return of an application for correction after the Pilot’s Bill of Rights (PBR) was signed.
Practical Tests for Failed Ratings - IACRA was incorrectly requiring results for only one test (oral, simulator/training device or flight) if the applicant selected yes to previously failing a rating. This issue has been corrected in this release and applies to ATP CFR 61,
142, 121 and 135.
Missing Applicant Signature on 8710-1 - There was an intermittent signing issue where the applicant signature is not being displayed on the final 8710-1. This issue has been corrected in this release.
Un-check Box for Second in Command - Users have indicated that the box on the back of the 8710-1 - "I have personally tested and or verified this applicant in accordance with pertinent procedures and standards with the result indicated below" should be unchecked for Second in Command (SIC) applications. This issue has bee corrected in this release.
Include FTN on Application - The applicant’s FTN has been included on the bottom of the first page of the application next to the application id for all certificate types.
Inspection Authorization Removal - Note to users seeking Inspection Authorization: IACRA will not support Inspection Authorization for 2013. Inspection Authorization certification may be revisited at a later date.
IACRA Rules of System Use - IACRA has been directed to use the new Department of Transportation Rules of System Use. Upon successful login, the Rules of System Use message will be displayed. The user will be required to agree to the terms before they can access areas of IACRA.
Aircraft Search Issue - IACRA was not returning all type ratings that were available in IACRA in the Aircraft search section. This issue has been corrected in this release.
October 4, 2012
IACRA Version 8.4 This release contains the following changes:
Pilot Bill of Rights Acknowledgment
All airmen using IACRA will be required to review the Pilot's Bill of Rights (PBR) Written Notification of Investigation and sign the Acknowledgement of Receipt. If the airman chooses not to sign the Acknowledgement of Receipt, then the Certifying Officer will be required to sign a form that acknowledges that the Certifying Officer has presented the PBR to the applicant. According to the order, Ground Instructors will not be required to sign the PBR acknowledgment.
School Administrators
- Enhanced School Administrator Console - The School Administrator console has been streamlined and substantially improved with the look and feel of other user consoles (Certifying Officer, Applicant, etc.) in IACRA. It includes the ability for School Administrators to view student applications in progress, locate a student within their Air Agency by FTN and last name, and view recently affiliated students.
- Student Profile Updates for 121/135 - A School Administrator may start an application on behalf of an applicant applying for an ATP CFR 121 or 135 type certificate. If the applicant is missing personal information in their user profile, a message is displayed that there is incomplete personal information that must be entered from the “User Profile” page.
- Updated School Administrator Affiliation - The previous “Search students affiliated with your training school" function has been updated for ease of use. School Administrators now have the option of searching for a specific student by FTN or last name or search for all students associated to their Training school.
- ATP RI and CFI Console - The Recommending Instructor and Chief Flight Instructor consoles have been enhanced to include airman information, IACRA activity reporting and access to various areas of the application from a single console.
- Recommending Instructor - Aircraft Dispatcher Applications - IACRA now allows Recommending Instructors that hold only the certificate type of ‘D’ in their airman record to process aircraft dispatcher applications.
- Recommending Instructor – Pilot Lighter than Air Ratings - IACRA no longer prevents Recommending Instructors with Commercial lighter than air ratings that do not hold a CFI, from processing applications for pilot lighter than air ratings.
- Name change for 141 Chief Flight Instructor - IACRA refers to the Chief Flight Instructor for 141 schools with the acronym of "CFI". Some users have reported that they think "CFI" means Certified Flight Instructor instead of Chief Flight Instructor. IACRA has been modified to change the existing label of “CFI” located on their checklist to “Chief Flight Instructor (CFI)”.
- Aircraft Dispatcher Change - The text “65” has been added to the Recommending Instructor section of the Select Roles page in IACRA, indicating that Recommending Instructors may also register and process Aircraft Dispatcher applications as long as they hold the appropriate certificate.
Knowledge Tests
- ATP CFR 61 Rotorcraft Helicopter - IACRA now requires a Knowledge Test for ATP CFR 61 Added Category Class Rotorcraft helicopter if the applicant holds an airline transport pilot certificate with another aircraft category rating.
- Expired Knowledge Test Archives Now Available - IACRA now includes knowledge tests dating back to the early 1990's to support the use of an expired knowledge test. (Available week of 10/8/2012)
- Chief Flight Instructor Added Category Issue - If applying for CFI CFR 61 Added Category Class AME or ASE and the applicant holds only a CFI "Airplane Single and multiengine" IACRA is requiring a knowledge test and should not. If applying for CFI CFR 61 Added Category Class AME or ASE and the applicant holds only a CFI "Glider" IACRA should require a knowledge test. Both issues have been resolved in this release.
- Increased Knowledge Test Validation - The current message on the Knowledge tests screen has been changed to the following: "Please verify that your entire name including any middle name, middle initials and suffixes on your knowledge test report matches the name that you registered in IACRA. Otherwise it may be returned by Airmen Certification Branch due to a name mismatch."
Certifying Officers
- Airman Identification - In the Airman Identification section on the Certifying Officer Checklist for ATP CFR 61, 121, 135, and 141, if “Other government issued document” is selected the message for identification number has been changed from “Identification number is required" to “Please enter identification number or N/A.”
- Notice of Disapproval Comments - Apostrophes - IACRA no longer displays an error when the Certifying Officer enters an apostrophe in the Comments section of the Notice of Disapproval.
- Notice of Disapproval Mismatch for Single Tests - Correction notices are being generated if the dates on the 8060-5 and 8710-1 do not match for certificates that require a single test. IACRA will be modified to use the final signature date of the Certifying Officer from the “DE/ACR Report” or “ASI/AST” sections of the 8710-1 to be displayed as the “Date of Examination” on the 8060-5. The Airmen Certification Branch requires that the date displayed in the DATE OF EXAMINATION box on the 8060-5, and the date in the DE/ACR or ASI/AST Section of the 8710-1 match. This change has been applied to all certificate types where applicable.
- Letter of Discontinuance Change - IACRA has included the text: "A letter of discontinuance has been generated on the practical test section” of the Certifying Officer checklist for ATP CFR 61, 121, 135, and 141 if the Certifying Officer selects "Discontinue".
- Limitations Message – Save and Continue - Previously, on the ATP CFR 61, 121, 135, 141 Certifying Officer checklists, if the user attempted to sign the final application before reviewing the limitations assigned to the temporary certificate, the message “Please review Limitations before signing” was being displayed. This message will be changed to “Please review Limitations and select Save and Continue before signing.” If the user does not select “Save and Continue”, the previous message will remain.
- Designated Examiner for Aircraft Dispatcher - IACRA is prompting Designated Examiners to complete a final signing for Aircraft Dispatcher applications. The final signing results in the Designated Examiner signature appearing in the Inspector’s signature location. The 8400-3 does not have a location for a final signature for Designated Examiners. Regulations do not require a final signature for the Designated Examiner, only a signature in the practical test section. This change has been made in this release.
- Advanced Qualification Program Location Issue - IACRA is incorrectly populating the Location of Test (Facility, City, State) on the back of the 8710-1 in both the Evaluator and Aviation Safety Inspector section for 121 Advanced Qualification issuance types. The location should display the airport description in which the practical test was completed.
- FSDO Updates - Certifying Officers have indicated that their FSDO has changed, but the FSDO update is not being reflected on the associated 8710-1 and temporary certificates. IACRA has been improved to properly maintain FSDO associations and deactivate FSDOs that no longer exist, are inactive or have changed. Users may be restricted once this update is made and will be required to change their FSDO in their user profile.
- Make/Model/Series Search - An enhanced make/model/series search feature has been added to IACRA under “Information and Help”.
- Helpful IACRA Links - IACRA now includes a list of “Helpful Links” on the left side panel of the home page or when the user is logged in. These include: Practical Test Standards for Pilots, search for Flight Standards District Offices (FSDO), Temporary Flight Restrictions, Designee Locator, FAA Form Search, Airmen Services, and International Flight Plan.
- ATP Original Marked as Additional Rating - IACRA will no longer mark the Additional Rating box at the top of the 8710-1 when an applicant holds a foreign ATP certificate only and is applying for an ATP 61 or 141 Original.
- Second in Command 142 Issue - IACRA is not displaying the complete description of the curriculum on the 8710-1 for 142 Second in Command applications in the “Certificate or Rating For which tested” location of the 8710-1 in either the DE/ACR or ASI/AST sections.
- ATP 142 Original Aeronautical Issue - For ATP CFR 142 Original IACRA should allow the applicant to enter 50 hours of instrument time in a Simulator. This issue will be resolved in this release.
ATP Graduation Date Validations - IACRA now validates the graduation date in section Block C – Graduate of Approved Course if the School Administrator submits the application and the curriculum does not hold examining authority. If the applicant attempts to submit the application, the School Administrator is required to associate a curriculum and enter a graduation date from the School Administrator checklist.
- ATP CFR 141 Enhancements - Outstanding issues with the ATP CFR 141 application process have been corrected. The application process, including applicant, instructor, school administrator and certifying officer screens, now has a look and feel consistent with ATP CFR 61, 121, and 135 certification paths.
- Update to Student Certificates - Temporary airman certificates are not issued for student pilot certificates. IACRA will uncheck the "Temporary Airman Certificate" box under Attachments located on the bottom left hand corner on page 2 of the 8710-1 for student certificates. IACRA will also uncheck the box under the DE/ACR section on page 2 "I have personally tested and/or verified this applicant in accordance with pertinent procedures and standards with the result indicated below" and uncheck the Approved box for “Temporary certificate issued”. These requirements do not apply to student certificates.
April 16, 2012
IACRA Version 8.3 This release contains the following changes:
Applicant Section
- IACRA was incorrectly applying the Airplane Multi-engine VFR Only on the temporary for some applications. This issue has been corrected in this release. This limitation will continue to be available as a limitation on the Certifying Officer checklist.
- The limitation of Airplane Multi engine land limited to center thrust will no longer be auto-filled in the certificates held section of the Airman’s application as a rating, as the Certifying Officer is unable to remove this rating from the temporary certificate. The Certifying Officer may instead add manually as a limitation for most pilot applications.
- If an airman holds the sport pilot limitations of “Holder does not meet ICAO requirements” and/or “Sport Endorsement”, these limitations will be displayed on the temporary for applicants applying for ATP CFR 61, 121 or 135. The limitation may be removed at the discretion of the Certifying Officer.
- IACRA will now auto-fill some sport pilot ratings in the certificates held section of the application for ATP 61, 121, and 135. Sport ratings will only be auto-filled if the applicant holds an associated limitation for the same sport pilot rating.
Recommending Instructors
- IACRA will now require a Recommending Instructor (RI) signature for Private Standard CFR 61 Completion of Required Test, Added Category Class for all airplane ratings.
- IACRA was not requiring a Recommending Instructor signature for some Second In Command applications. This issue has been resolved in this release.
- According to FAA guidance, a Recommending Instructor signature is not mandatory for ATP certificates unless an applicant has previously failed a rating or is adding a SIC type rating. Therefore the entry of ATP Knowledge tests has been moved to the Certifying Officer checklist to accommodate expired Knowledge tests and associated justifications. The Recommending Instructor will no longer be required to enter the Knowledge tests.
- IACRA now correctly displays the Gold Seal on the 8710-1 and the temporary certificates for CFI CFR 61 Completion of Required Test Renewal, CFI Renewal Activities, CFI Renewal Duties and Responsibilities, and CFI Renewal FIRC.
- Certain information on the 8710-1 and temporary certificates will be rendered with a larger font size:
- The airman's Name and address (Section IV and V)
- The actual date of birth, height, weight, hair, eyes, sex, and nationality (Section VI) -- not the sections themselves, but the information provided in these sections
- The Level of Certificate—i.e. Commercial Pilot (Section IX)
- The actual ratings reflected under Ratings and Limitations - I.e. Airplane single engine land, etc (Section XIII)
- The actual date of issuance inside the temporary (Section X)
- The Inspector or D/E cert numbers
- The FSDO number
- The “Reissuance” box on the temporary will be marked for applicants applying for an Initial 121 or 135 ATP certificate that already hold an ATP certificate.
- The “Unofficial Copy” text will no longer appear in empty signature blocks on completed 8710-1 forms when reviewed by Certifying Officers. The “Unofficial Copy” will remain on the top of each page.
- The simulator information is now correctly displayed in the ‘Registration No(s)’ field on the 8710-1 for ATP CFR 121 Advanced Qualification Program.
Other Changes
- IACRA now requires a knowledge test for applicants holding a Foreign ATP Airplane Rating only when applying for a 142 Original Airplane Rating.
- The limitation: “Not valid for the carriage of persons or property for compensation or hire or for agricultural aircraft operations” will be automatically added by IACRA for applicants holding only a foreign airplane rating pilot certificate (ATP, Commercial or Private) and a restricted instrument rating (not U.S. test passed) when seeking a Commercial Standard CFR 61 Original airplane rating. This limitation may be removed at the Certifying Officer’s discretion from the limitations page.
- IACRA will now require the Certifying Officer to select a justification that will appear in the comments section of the 8710-1 when approving an ATP 61, 121 or 135 application with an expired written test.
- Designated Examiners are required to hold a current CFI certificate, therefore IACRA has been modified accordingly. Without a current CFI certificate, the following type of applications will be inaccessible:
- ATP CFR 61 Original, Added Category Class, Added Type Rating
- ATP CFR 141 Original, Added Category Class, Added Type Rating (all without examining authority only)
- Commercial CFR 61 Original, Added Category Class, Added Type Rating, Added Instrument Rating
- Commercial CFR 141 Original, Added Category Class, Added Type Rating, Added Instrument Rating (without examining authority only)
- Private CFR 61 Original, Added Category Class, Added Type Rating, Added Instrument Rating
- Private CFR 141 Original, Added Category Class, Added Type Rating, Added Instrument Rating (without examining authority only)
- Recreational CFR 61 Original and Added Category
- Sport Pilot CFR 61 Original
- The Activity History available from the Certifying Officer’s Console will now include the Applicant FTN in the results grid. When clicked, the FTN will redirect the user to search results for the clicked FTN.
- The following type ratings will now only be available for selection in certificates held and will be auto-filled if located in the airman’s record: SK-70, SK-76, A-109, BK-117, AS-355, and SA-365.
- The Certifying Officer must now enter comments on the 8710-1 when issuing a Notice of Disapproval if a practical test standard is not selected.
- The Certifying Officer may enter a future date for the graduation date on the Certifying Officer’s checklist for the 142 training curriculum as long as the graduation date is on or before the simulator/aircraft flight check date.
- Commercial Standard CFR 141 and Private Standard CFR 141 Second in Command are no longer available in IACRA.
- In addition to email password recovery, a process is now available to allow users to recover a forgotten password immediately without leaving the IACRA site. Users that fail to login repeatedly will now be automatically redirected to available password recovery options.
December 15, 2011
IACRA Version 8.2 This release contains the following changes:
- Email User for Update FTN - Occasionally user FTNs may change when certificate or other key information is added to the IACRA user profile. Currently a message is displayed in IACRA when this occurs. IACRA now also sends an email to the user with the new FTN.
- Retrieve Previous Limitations - For ATP CFR 61, 121 and 135 ATP pilot applications, IACRA now displays the airman’s previous pilot limitations on the temporary certificate summary for review. The Certifying Officer has the ability to add or remove these limitations in IACRA. Predefined mandatory limitations will still be locked and may not be removed.
- Graduation Date Message - The graduation date section of the Certifying Officer for 121 and 135 applications now includes the following informational message 'According to FAA guidance, the graduation date of the Air Carrier cannot be dated after the Practical test date.'
- Pre-Signature Date Issue on 8710-1 - The date in the signature field prior to signing was sometimes displayed as ‘01/01/0001’. This issue has been corrected.
- Letter of Discontinuance (Unofficial Copy) - The letter of discontinuance generated from the practical test page will no longer display the text 'Unofficial Copy'.
- Changed Certificate Headings - The 'Restricted' certificate heading has been changed to 'FAA 61.75'. 'Foreign' has been changed to 'Foreign License'. These heading changes have only been applied to ATP CFR 61, 121 and 135 at this time.
- Limitation Screen Checked Before Review - For ATP CFR 61, 121 and 135, IACRA now requires the Certifying Officer to view the limitation screen in order to continue. This change supports the review of previous limitations.
- Unique Email Address - IACRA now verifies that the email address entered during registration or when the user edits their profile is not already in use by another user. The user will then be prompted to enter a unique address.
- Notice of Disapproval Date Change - IACRA now uses the date the Certifying Officers signed the disapproved test in the Evaluator's record section of the 8710-1 as the ‘Date of Examination’ on the 8060-5. This change currently applies to any standard certificate types that require multiple practical tests. A future release will include the change to remaining certificates.
June 7, 2011
IACRA Version 8.1.1 This release contains the following changes:
- User Profile - Previously, FSDO changes were not being saved in IACRA user profiles. This issue has been corrected in this release. If you attempt to login and are restricted, please update your user profile with your appropriate FSDO and save. If you are an active Certifying Officer you should then be able to log in successfully.
- Applicant Section - When applying for a Gold Seal, validation for the ground instructor rating was not being displayed if the calendar was being used to enter the date of issuance. This issue has been corrected in this release.
April 26, 2011
Release Preview - IACRA Version 8.1 Login / Registration **** NOTE: The ACR FIRC role is not yet included in the preview, but will be added soon. - The ACR FIRC role has been added to IACRA. ACRs employed by a Flight Instructor Refresher Course (FIRC) can now process FIRC applications via IACRA. The Aviation Safety Inspector at the ACR’s FSDO will be required to authorize the ACR FIRC in IACRA.
- If an Air Carrier Flight Instructor or School Administrator adds a second Air Operator to their user profile and logs out of the system, upon login the Air Operator was not in the list for selection. This issue was corrected in this release.
- IACRA now has improved validation in registration for users who have the same first, middle, last name and same date of birth.
- IACRA was not separately validating the suffix for the Aircrew Program Designee when the user attempted to register for this role. This issue was corrected in this release.
- IACRA now performs additional checks to allow for registration of the Chief Assistant/Chief Flight Instructor role.
- IACRA now displays all air operators that hold both 121 and 135 certificates. School Administrators, Air Carrier Flight Instructors, Aircrew Program Designees, and Training Center Evaluators acting as check airmen can now register with these combined certificates, using current IACRA validation rules.
- IACRA was not requiring the certificate number for roles which require them. This was causing an application error. This issue was resolved in this release.
Applicant Section - Users selecting one of the ATP CFR 121 or 135 issuance types, will now be directed to the post-8.0 enhanced application process.
- The applicant may now select the appropriate 121/135 Issue type that applies to their curriculum. All appropriate rules will then be applied based on the certificate that is being applied for and the certificates that the applicant holds.
- The application flow has been restructured for 121 and 135 certificates. The new form flow will follow the major sections of the 8710-1.
- On the pilot aeronautical grid, IACRA will now allow the applicant to select the application from which hours should be imported.
- If the applicant selects SIC, IACRA will mark “Initial” on the 8710-1.
- The appropriate hours required for 121 and 135 certificates have been included in this release.
- IACRA now requires that an applicant applying for a 121 AQP Airplane rating hold an airplane rating and an instrument rating at the Commercial level. The applicant can also submit an application if they hold an ATP rating.
- For 121 and 135 certificates, IACRA will now include any foreign certificates in section 2, block D on the 8710-1 if the applicant also enters a foreign certificate.
- IACRA will now verify that an applicant holds a ground instructor certificate when applying for a CFI with gold seal.
- The privacy statement has been relocated to the application section for 121 and 135 certificates.
- If an applicant is applying for an ATP 135 Rotorcraft Helicopter and holds an ATP certificate with an aircraft rating then a knowledge test is required. IACRA was previously not requiring a Knowledge test.
- Previously the helicopter rating was not being removed at the Commercial level on temporary certificates for ATP 121 and 135 Rotorcraft Helicopters when the applicant held a commercial rotorcraft helicopter. This issue has been resolved in this release.
- IACRA has been modified to not auto fill any existing certificates in the Certificates Held section of the application if an applicant is revoked in Airman at the time they are completing the application.
- The Initial Curriculum box will be checked in Section II, Block E for all 121/135 Second in Command applications.
School Administrator Console - School Administrator can search for an airman by FTN and last name and start and submit an application for the airman for 121 and 135 certificates.
- IACRA will be modified to include the complete course name and course remarks when selecting a curriculum. Some School administrators were unable to select the appropriate curriculum and as a result were unable to use IACRA for processing 142 applications.
Certifying Officer Checklist for ATP CFR 121/135 - The CO Checklist for Airline Transport CFR 121 and 135 certificates now includes enhanced navigations, collapsible panels, checklist status, form views, and a comments section. The Certifying Officer can view applicant information, their certificate summary and status at any time.
- Airman data from check airman will be available for viewing on the
Certifying Officer console.
- IACRA will verify the users Airmen data to ensure the APDs and TCEs acting as a check airmen have the appropriate ratings and type ratings for the application being processed.
- The Practical Test page has been enhanced with improved search capabilities in the airport, aircraft and simulator sections.
- IACRA was previously requiring Oral test results for 121/135 certificates if the applicant selected “Yes” to “Have you previously failed a rating?” This issue was resolved in this release.
- IACRA was preventing the Certifying Officer from processing an ATP application if the Oral test results were disapproved, unless either the flight or simulator test was completed. This issue was resolved in this release.
- The Certifying Officer may now enter the graduation date from the Certifying Officer checklist. This date will be displayed in Section 2E on the 8710-1.
- The selection of “1000 SIC Privileges” from the Limitation screen was causing an error. This issue was resolved in this release.
- The curriculum date on the 8710-1 was previously displaying the Certifying Officer’s final signature date. IACRA has been modified to include a graduation date in the training curriculum section of the Certifying Officer checklist. This date is now displayed in Section II Block C3 Date field. This change applies to all 142 applications.
- When the Certifying Officer selects “Disapprove” on a practical test page, a message will be displayed that references the ruling if the date on the Notice of Disapproval does not match the date on the 8710-1, then a correction notice may be issued by the Registry. IACRA will provide a comments section to allow the Certifying Officer to explain any date discrepancies.
- The airport search screen on the practical test section has been improved, allowing the Certifying Officer to search by airport code and airport name.
- If a Certifying Officer is logged in, an applicant will be able to log into the form to sign the 8710 directly from the CO checklist.
- Once the Certifying Officer enters results for any of the practical tests, the 8710-1 will automatically allow for a signature. Previously this was a two-step process.
- The Certifying Officer will now have the ability to enter comments on the CO checklist under the Application Options. The comments will be displayed on the last page of the 8710-1 under the Comments section.
- The aircraft search screen has been enhanced on the applicant and Certifying Officer consoles to allow the user to search by either make/model or aircraft name.
- The Certifying Officer will now have the ability to reset an application so that an applicant can make minor changes in the presence of the Certifying Officer. This will eliminate the need to start a new application if a correction is needed.
- The Certifying Officer may now view the applicant certificate summary at any time during the application process.
- The certificate summary is now being displayed at the top of the Certifying Officer checklist and includes the applicant certification selection, ratings, type rating and the mandatory limitations.
- The limitations section of IACRA has been enhanced to allow for an easier search for limitations and now includes edit capabilities.
- IACRA was allowing the Certifying Officer to sign an application if Oral tests were not entered and the applicant did not previously fail a rating. This issue has been corrected in this release.
- If the applicant selects ‘Yes’ to “Have you previously failed a rating?”, then all three tests will be optional. IACRA was previously requiring that the oral test results be entered.
- The mandatory limitations will include SIC privileges entered by the applicant from the application section. The CO will only have the ability to add another SIC limitation.
- The Certifying officer Signature confirmation page has now been included as part of the CO checklist. The CO can view all forms from the checklist now.
- Currently IACRA does not pull in previous limitations from Airmen. A message has been added to the Limitations screen that reads “Please ensure that any previous limitations have been included for this certificate.”
Miscellaneous Changes - IACRA was incorrectly calculating the applicant’s medical issuance date which resulted in an incorrect expiration date on their student certificate. This issue has been resolved in this release.
- PTRS records will now be generated for ASI’s and ASTs for ATP 121 and 135 certificates. For these records only the Inspector Name Code will be changed to the unique 3 letter inspector code assigned to the ASI and AST. The Examiner Name and Examiner Cert # will be left blank. Any missing exam kinds for these certificates have also been corrected in this release.
- The additional rating box on the top of the 8710-1 will no longer be checked if an applicant applies for a 121/135 certificate and they do not currently hold an ATP certificate.
- The Original box on the temporary certificate will be marked if the applicant selects “Initial” as their curriculum type.
- Two new mandatory sport limitations have been included for sport pilot applications. The limitations are also available for selection in the limitations section of the Certifying Officer’s checklist.
- The temporary certificate no longer displays “Unofficial Copy”.
- The change to the Certifying officer console for both 121 and 135 will no longer require the Certifying Officer to view the knowledge test a second time if they logged out of IACRA.
- The ASI Oversight date range search has been modified to address an issue that was displaying information even if the user cancelled a search.
- The Certifying Officer checklist was not clearing out user validation messages when the corrections were made. This issue has been resolved in this release.
- The Air Carrier Flight Instructor’s ATP certificate number is now displayed in the Recommending Instructor’s section of the 8710-1. Since ATP certificates do not expire the expiration date will be blank.
March 7, 2011
IACRA Version 8.0.3 (Release date March 7, 2011) This release includes the following changes:
- For ATP CFR 61 applications requiring Knowledge tests, the applicant identification data was missing on the Knowledge Test report. This issue has been resolved.
- The training portal for the IACRA training site has been updated to the latest FAA style sheets and is now consistent with the IACRA public pages and post-8.0 styling.
February 25, 2011
IACRA Version 8.0.2 (Release date February 24, 2011) This release corrects the following issues:
- Recommending Instructors that hold a commercial lighter than air rating were unable to retrieve the same type of applications.
- The suffix portion of the Knowledge test was not being validated when IACRA searched for matching knowledge tests for an applicant.
- Multiple records were being displayed for the same application when either the ASI or AST selected the certificate type of Training Center Evaluator.
- IACRA was missing address information on the 8710 under rare scenarios.
- IACRA was preventing users from accessing sections of the application portion of IACRA if using Firefox and the user did not save a previous section of the application.
- If a user removed their SSN in the personal information section of IACRA, the change was not being updated on their un-submitted applications.
- Users were unable to scroll in selection windows in various areas of the application. Scroll bars have been added to the selection lists of the application.
February 9, 2011
IACRA Version 8.0.1 (Release date February 9, 2011)
This release contains the following changes:
- Chief Flight Instructors were unable to process applications from their checklist. This issue has been resolved.
- An application error was occurring on the applicant console for certificates that did not have a date of issuance. This issue has been resolved.
- The ASI/AST Oversight search was not displaying all records that were processed by Certifying Officers at their FSDO. This issue has been resolved.
Application Section
- Type ratings added manually were not initially saving to the Certificates held page unless the applicant held down the Add button. This issue has been resolved.
- Incomplete data was causing airman certificate forms to be generated without an address or date of birth. This issue has been resolved.
- Changes to user profile were not being reflected on the View 8710-1 portion of the application section. This issue has been resolved.
Miscellaneous Changes
- Users were unable to save their form as a TIFF to their local computer. This issue has been resolved.
January 24, 2011
IACRA Version 8.0 (Release date January 27, 2011) This release contains the following changes: Login/Registration
- All roles will now be required to register in IACRA by completing all personal information including mailing address, and other specific personal information. By completing the “long” form all user information will automatically be displayed in the application section.
- The mailing address has been changed to “Special Mailing Address”, and is required only when this address is different than their permanent mailing address. The change will be reflected on the application side for ATP CFR 61 certifications.
- IACRA was not correctly displaying personal information between registration and the application portion. This issue has been corrected in this release.
- Personal information was not always being correctly updated. This issue has been resolved in this release.
Application Section
- The Start/Retrieve button has been eliminated from IACRA and has been replaced with an applicant console that allows an applicant to start a new application, continue the application process with an existing one, or view the application after it has been submitted for ATP CFR 61 certifications.
- The selection of choosing a certificate has changed. If the user selects one of the ATP CFR 61 issuance types, they will access the new application process. If the user selects a certificate that is not included in this release they will be taken to the legacy screens with the Step 2 certificate sought (questions 1-4) pre-populated.
- The applicant will have direct help access to the Code of Federal Regulation in the choose path section of the application.
- FOR ATP CFR 61 certificates, the application process has been restructured. The new form flow will follow the major sections of the 8710-1.
- For ATP CFR 61 certificates, the aeronautical grid has been enhanced to pull in previous application hours for easier usability. The experience grid has been separated by aircraft type.
- IACRA was incorrectly saving the responses for certificates held between standard and foreign certificates. This issue has been corrected for the ATP CFR 61 certifications with the enhancement to the application section.
- For ATP CFR 61 certificates, the applicant’s full name, sex and date of birth and citizenship will be disabled on the personal information section in the application. A link is provided with information as to how the user can change this information at their FSDO.
- IACRA was not always saving the appropriate ratings and type ratings when an applicant changed certification selections in the application section. This issue has been corrected for the ATP CFR 61 certifications.
- Type ratings from commercial certificates were not being displayed under the ATP section of the temporary certificate. This issue has been corrected in this release.
- For ATP CFR 61 certificates, IACRA will now include any foreign certificates in section 2, block D on the 8710-1 if the applicant also holds a foreign certificate.
- Type ratings were not always being removed from the certificate summary page when a certificate was changed. This issue has been corrected in this release with the enhancement to the choose path section for the ATP CFR 61 certificates.
- Inactive type ratings were listed as selections in the application section. This issue has been corrected in this release for the ATP CFR 61 certifications.
- For ATP CFR 61 certificates, the medical date of issuance will now be a required field.
- For ATP CFR 61 certificates, on the aeronautical grid a message related to cross country hours has been change to accurately reflect the minimum hours required.
- IACRA was allowing ATP CFR 61 Added Category class and Added type rating to be completed without holding an US standard pilot certificate. This issue has been resolved in this release.
- If an applicant is applying for an ATP CFR 61 Original certificate and already holds an ATP certificate, IACRA will prompt the user to select the added category option if adding an additional rating.
- The applicant console includes a selection to delete un-submitted applications.
- Airman Registry indicated that the Privacy Act statement should be accepted by the applicant before they submit their application. The privacy statement has been relocated to the application section for ATP CFR 61 certificates.
- In the choose path section of IACRA, if the applicant selects a dual type rating then both ratings will be displayed.
Instructor and Certifying Officer Consoles
- These consoles have been enhanced to include airman information, IACRA activity reporting and access to various areas of the application from a single console. Searches performed from the console will go to another results page with the search criteria pre-populated. This will allow the user to change the search criteria without having to go back to the console page.
- IACRA was not providing easy access for a Recommending Instructor to return to their console. This issue has been resolved with the enhancement to the RI checklist for ATP CFR 61 certificates only.
- IACRA was not requiring that a Recommending Instructor sign an ATP CFR 61 SIC application. This issue has been corrected in this release.
- IACRA has been modified to require a Recommending Instructor signature for applicants applying for ATP certificates who have previously failed a rating. This change will apply to all ATP CFR 61 certificates excluding Second in Command. Second in Command certificates currently require Recommending Instructor signatures.
- The Recommending Instructor and Certifying Officers can now retrieve an application if the applicants’ FTN was changed.
- The first time a School Admin or ACFI registers with an air agency that doesn’t have any other SAs or ACFIs, a Certifying Officer cannot locate the record to authorize. This issue has been resolved in this release.
Certifying Officer Checklist - for Airline Transport Pilots CFR 61 only
- The new CO Checklist now includes enhanced navigations, collapsible panels, checklist status, form views, and a comments section. The CO can view applicant information, their certificate summary and status at any time.
- The practical test page has been enhanced with improved search capabilities in the airport, aircraft and simulator sections. All tests are now combined into a single screen for ease of use.
- When the Certifying Officer selects “Disapprove” on a practical test page, a message will be displayed that references the ruling if the date on the Notice of Disapproval does not match the date on the 8710-1, then a correction notice will be issued by the Registry. IACRA will provide a comments section to allow the Certifying Officer to explain any date discrepancies.
- The airport search screen on the practical test section has been improved to allow the certifying officer to search by airport code and airport name.
- If a Certifying Officer is logged in, an applicant will be able to log into the form to sign the 8710 directly from the CO checklist.
- Once the Certifying Officer enters results for any of the practical tests, the 8710-1 will automatically allow for a signature. Previously this was a two-step process.
- The airman identification section now includes a selection under the Form of Identification that includes government issued documents.
- The Certifying Officer will now have the ability to enter comments on the CO checklist under the Application Options. The comments will be displayed on the last page of the 8710-1 under the Comments section.
- The aircraft search screen has been enhanced on the applicant and Certifying Officer checklist to allow the user to search by either make/model or aircraft name.
- The Certifying Officer will now have the ability to reset an application so that an applicant can make minor changes in the presence of the Certifying Officer. This will eliminate the need to start a new application if a correction is needed.
- IACRA was not verifying that oral test results were entered on the practical test page. This issue has been corrected in this release, if the applicant indicated that they did not fail a previous rating.
- IACRA was not previously providing the ability for the Certifying Officer to view the applicant’s certificate summary until after the practical tests were completed. The Certifying Officer may now view the applicant certificate summary at any time during the application process.
- The certificate summary is now being displayed at the top of the Certifying Officer checklist and includes the applicant certification selection, ratings, type rating and the mandatory limitations. Limitations were not previously available for viewing until the Certifying Officer was ready to provide a final signature.
- The limitations section of IACRA has been enhanced to allow for an easier search for limitations and now includes edit capabilities.
- IACRA was allowing the CO to sign an application if Oral tests were not entered and the applicant did not previously fail a rating. This issue has been corrected in this release.
- If the applicant selects ‘Yes’ to “Have you previously failed a rating?”, then all three tests will be optional. IACRA was previously requiring that the oral test results be entered.
- IACRA was not requiring a Knowledge test when an applicant applied for an ATP CFR 61 Original and only held a foreign certificate. This issue has been corrected in this release.
- The mandatory limitations will include SIC privileges entered by the applicant from the application section. The CO will only have the ability to add another SIC limitation.
- PTRS records were not being generated for Aviation Safety Inspectors or Aviation Safety Technicians. Beginning with this release, PTRS records will now be generated for ATP CFR 61 certificates for these two roles.
- The Certifying officer Signature confirmation page has now been included as part of the CO checklist. The CO can view all forms from the checklist now.
Miscellaneous Changes
- A user can now return to their console at any point in the process by selecting the Console option on the left side of the IACRA screens.
- IACRA was marking the form as if the applicant held a US Standard certificate, when only a foreign certificate was held. This issue has been corrected in this release for ATP CFR 61 certificates.
- If a user canceled a signature, they were being logged out instead of being returned to the console. This issue has been corrected in this release for ATP CFR 61 certificates.
- IACRA will now display the FTN, username and role of the user that is logged in.
- PTRS records were not being generated for all completed practical tests for ATP CFR 61 certifications. Values were also missing in some of the ATP CFR 61 PTRS records. These issues have been corrected in this release.
- TCE applications were not available for review under the TCE section in ASI Oversight. This issue has been resolved in this release.
- An applicant will now be prevented from retrieving or signing their own application if they hold any other role besides applicant.
- If a user times out or is not authorized to access a section of IACRA, then a newly converted page with the new styles will be displayed.
- For ATP CFR 61 certificates, a logout link will be added to each page of IACRA.
- Some certifications were not correctly requiring a Knowledge test. This issue has been resolved in this release.
August 26, 2010
IACRA Version 7.6
This release contains the following changes:
ASI/AST Oversight
ASI’s and AST’s can now review completed applications processed through their FSDO. These applications can be searched by examiner name, FTN, date range or certificate type.
Pilot Changes
- The service number for Military pilot applications is now an optional field.
- Air Carrier Flight Instructors can now sign CFR 121 and 135 pilot applications if the applicant previously failed a rating.
- Type ratings issued on a Commercial pilot certificate now move up to the ATP level on the temporary certificates.
- Training Center Evaluators can now retrieve Commercial pilot applications if they hold an ATP designation.
- School Administrators can now register and submit pilot applications under CFR 121 and 135 on behalf of the applicants.
- Instrument ratings will now follow the appropriate category and class on the temporary certificates.
Instructor Changes
- FOR CFI Renewal with gold seal, the gold seal is now being displayed on the 8710-1 and temporary certificate.
- IACRA will now allow CFI re-instatement practical tests to be completed using a simulator only.
7.4 December 21, 2009
IACRA Version 7.4 released. This release contains the following changes:
Change the Name of the SIC/SAO Role and Expand Support for 135 Air Operators. IACRA has changed the Second In Command Administrative Officer role within all areas of IACRA to “Air Carrier Flight Instructor (ACFI). ACFI’s can also now add a 135 Air Operator by logging in and selecting “Edit Registration” and entering the first few letters of their Air Operator. An ACFI will then be able to retrieve and process CFR 135 Training Program applications.
Modify Privacy Statement for 8710-11. IACRA was inadvertently displaying the incorrect heading on the Privacy Statement for Sport Pilots. The heading has been changed to reflect the Sport Pilot Privacy Statement.
Changed Heading on Letter of Discontinuance Practical Test Standards Page. The heading on the Practical Test Standards page for the Letter of Discontinuance selections inadvertently displayed "Failed Practical Tests". The word “Failed” has been removed.
Modify the Training Center Evaluators (TCE) Registration to Support 135 Air Operators. IACRA has been modified to allow valid TCE’s to add a 135 Air Operator to their registration. IACRA will verify that the TCE is associated with this Air Operator as a Check Airman. The TCE will have the ability to retrieve and process CFR 135 Training Program applications associated to their Air Operator.
Addition of the CFR 135 Training Program. The CFR 135 Training Program has been added to IACRA. Applicants can now apply for and submit applications under issuance types of Initial, Upgrade, Transition or Second In Command. Additionally, Aviation Safety Inspectors, Aircrew Program Designees or valid Training Center Evaluators assigned as Check Airman will have the ability to retrieve and process these applications.
Modify the Aircrew Program Designee (APD) Registration to Support 135 Air Operators. IACRA has been modified to allow APD’s to add a 135 Air Operator to their registration. IACRA will verify that the APD is associated with this Air Operator. The APD will have the ability to retrieve and process CFR 135 Training Program applications associated to their Air Operator.
Notice of Disapproval Updates. The Notice of Disapproval comments box did not reappear if the Practical Test page was reopened, and therefore did not allow for later edits or review of the comments prior to signing. This has been changed to allow for editing and review prior to signing the practical tests.
Change to Student Pilot Applications. In accordance with the Policy change effective Oct. 20, 2009, the Student Pilot expiration dates have been changed, and a question has been added to the application process. If an applicant applies for a Student Pilot certificate in IACRA, then the following question will now be displayed: “Are you applying for a Glider, Balloon, or Sport Rating?” If the applicant selects “Yes”, the expiration date on the Student Temporary certificate will be 60 months, regardless of the age of the applicant. If the applicant selects “No”, then a 3rd class medical certificate is required and the following rules apply: If an applicant is less than 40 years of age then the expiration date on the Student Temporary certificate will be 60 months. If the applicant is 40 years of age or older, then the expiration date of the Student Temporary certificate will be 24 months.
Inactivity Timer. When there is not any activity on the IACRA website for a period of time, the user is logged out of IACRA. Previously, the message that was displayed when this occurred was sometimes inconsistent. This issue has been resolved with this release.
Step 3 Certificate Dialog Display Inconsistent. IACRA previously had an issue in Step 3 of the application process. When multiple selections were made the text box expanded so that all selections were displayed. However, if the data was saved and the window closed, and reopened the text box reset to the original smaller size and not all selections were displayed. This issue has been resolved for this release.
Countries Sorted in Registration. Countries have been sorted in the appropriate alphabetical order in Registration. Sri Lanka was previously listed incorrectly.
Training Center Evaluators Restricted on 2nd 142 School. If a Training Center Evaluator (TCE) had more than one valid school associated to their registration, IACRA was restricting their account when they logged in with the 2nd valid school. This issue has been resolved. TCE’s associated with more than one valid 142 school can now log into IACRA successfully with either school.
PDF and TIF Optimization. The file size of PDFs has been reduced by almost half, decreasing download times. Printing and viewing quality are not affected. TIFF download times have been similarly improved, also without degradation of quality.
7.3 October 28, 2009
IACRA Version 7.3 released. This release contains the following changes:
Designation Codes on 8710-1 for DE – This modification added the recognition
of a DE on the D/E report for some applications (PE) for private applications,
(FPE) for some foreign applications, (MCE) for some military applications.
TCE shouldn’t be able to sign as RI unless SIC applications – Training Center
Evaluators, when performing Recommending instructor type tasks will not be able
to retrieve or process 142 applications unless it is for a 142 second in command
(SIC) application.
121 Practical Test Page if aircraft entered, registration
number is required – For practical tests on 121 applications, if aircraft
information is entered, and simulator level is A or B, then registration number
is required.
Comments section to notice of disapproval – All pilot and
instructor paths that require a practical test, in which a notice of disapproval
can be issued, a new comments box will appear so the Certifying Officer can add
tasks associated with the activity. The additional comments are displayed on the
Notice of Disapproval, form 8060-5 under the activities.
Added Certificate and Rating to 8710-1 for Military Applications – Added certificate and rating to
page 2 of 8710-1 for Military Comp applications in section “Certificate or
Rating for which Tested” under the DE and ASI report sections depending on which
CO processes the applications. The affected applications are:
- Commercial Pilot Standard Military Competency Original
- Commercial Pilot Standard Military Competency Added Category Class Rating
- Commercial Pilot Standard Military Competency Added Type Rating
- Commercial Pilot Standard Military Competency Added Instrument Rating
- ATP Standard Military Competency Original
- ATP Pilot Standard Military Competency Added Category Class Rating
- ATP Pilot Standard Military Competency Added Type Rating
Add link to add a role on main menu – Link to add role is now added to main menu.
Zip code field optional if permanent country
is non USA on step 1 - IACRA has been modified so that for Permanent address
section, if country is non-USA, zip code is an optional field.
Add Ground Instructor text in front of category on page 2 - For Ground Instructor
applications, IACRA now displays the text “Ground Instructor” in front of the
rating selected in the “Certificate or rating for which tested” location in the
DE/ACR or ASI/AST section on page 2 of the 8710-1 depending on whether an
ASI/AST or DE signs off on the application.
Type rating restriction for DE on SIC path - IACRA has been modified to allow Designated Examiners to retrieve SIC
applications even if they do not hold the same type rating that the applicant is
selecting in Step 2. This change is specific to these issuance types; Private
Standard Far 61 SIC, Private Standard Far 141 SIC, Commercial Standard Far 61
SIC, Commercial Standard Far 141 SIC, ATP Standard Far 61 SIC, and ATP Standard
Far 141 SIC.
Allow users to set preferences on the Main Menu - Users can now
set their default document view (TIFF or PDF) from the main menu screen. If the
user selects .PDF and have Adobe Reader installed, every time they review a
document it will directly open it in PDF instead of going through the extra
click. If the user preference is PDF and they don't have Adobe Reader installed,
the user will be displayed an error message and will be led to the regular TIF
review screen. Users can choose to download the PDF by clicking the View/Print
PDF button.
Allow School Administrators to enter Knowledge tests – IACRA has
been modified to allow School Administrators to enter knowledge tests from the
SA checklist page.
- Change category classes for sport and CFI sport – For all
Sport pilot applications, “Airplane Land” and “Airplane Sea” category class has
been replaced with “Airplane Single Engine Land” and “Airplane Single Engine
Sea.” For CFI sport applications, “Airplane Land” and “Airplane Sea” have been
replaced with “Airplane Single Engine.”
Time out of IACRA has new message – If an IACRA user session timeouts due to inactivity, there will be a message that
displays for 10 seconds informing the user of the timeout. After 10 seconds, the
user will be directed to the login page.
Step 6 doesn’t recognize rating for INSTI - IACRA has been modified to add rating INSTI (Instrument Airplane and
Helicopter) as a valid rating on Step 3.
List of countries for Passport selection on Airmen Identification not in order – List of countries has now been
alphabetized. This includes all Airmen identification pages.
Reduce file size when generating PDF – File size for 8710-1 has now been reduced to speed up
download times.
2nd knowledge test is now being displayed – IACRA has been
modified to allow examiners and instructors to view both knowledge tests, if a
2nd knowledge test exists.
Remove medical certificate requirement 3rd class
for Mil Comp applications – Effective October 20, a military pilot is not
required to carry, with him/her, proof of medical. IACRA removed the validation
"You must hold at least a 3rd class medical Certificate" from Step 6, if
applicant selects “No” to the question in step 4, “Do you hold a Medical
Certificate?” for the following applications; Commercial Standard Military
Competency Original, Commercial Standard Military Added Category, Commercial
Standard Military Added Instrument, Commercial Standard Military Competency
Added Type Rating, ATP Standard Military Competency Original, ATP Standard
Military Added Category, ATP Standard Military Competency Added Type Rating.
Change expiration date on 8710-2 for student temporary certificates – The
expiration date for Student Certificates (form 8710-2) was 24 calendar months
from the Date of Issuance. To support the October 20, 2009 ruling, for those
applicants who are applying for a student certificate the expiration date on the
8710-2 will be changed to 60 months from the Date of issuance. (removed the
under 40 clause)
Allow DE and RIs to retrieve applications with specific type
ratings -IACRA was erroneously preventing Recommending Instructors and
Designated Examiners that hold type ratings, for example CE-525S from signing
off on applications that have CE-525 and conversely if the type rating is
CE-525, cannot sign off on applications with CE-525S. IACRA will now allow
Recommending Instructors or Designated Examiners that have the type ratings to
process the applications.
IACRA change to Recommending Instructor signature
out of date - IACRA has been modified so that if the Certifying Officer attempts
to retrieve an application that had an RI signature date that was greater than
60 days, display the message - "This application cannot be processed because the
Recommending Instructor's signature is greater than sixty days"
Rotorcraft Helicopter Type rating requiring instrument - A Designated Examiner reported
that for Pilots that hold Rotorcraft Helicopter and are applying for Rotorcraft
Helicopter type rating (ie SK-64) that IACRA is erroneously displaying the
message in Step 6 “Must hold instrument rotorcraft to apply for rotorcraft type
rating” IACRA has been modified to allow the applicant to submit their
application without holding an instrument rotorcraft All other validations will
Convert inactive country codes to active codes – this will allow
applicants with place of birth or citizenship of Germany and Mayammar to start
applications without receiving an error.
Addition of FQAS curriculum – School
administrators associated to FQAS can now select the following three
curriculums: Initio PASEL Chinese Ab, Initio CAMEL – Chinese Ab, and Initio IRA
– Chinese Ab
Knowledge test not required for Restricted US test passed unless
added instrument - Applicant is applying for restricted Add US test passed
rating private pilot for 61 Completion of Required Test Added Category Class
rating LTA balloon with AH and IACRA is requiring a Knowledge test. IACRA has
been modified so that unless the Restricted US test passed is for an Added
Instrument, a knowledge test is not required.
Display simulator info on 8710-1
under practical tests - If enter oral, flight, and simulator, where only one
aircraft is entered, display simulator level in registration number (2) on
Sport change regulation reference on 8710-11- for Sport Pilot using
ultralight hours The 8710-11 previously displayed “Based on 61.329(B). It has
been changed to reflect the appropriate reference of “Based on 61.52” This has
changed on top of 8710-11 (other) and in the DE or ASI section depending who
signs it in the block titled Certificate or Rating for Which Tested.
Moved change password to a more visible location – moved change password link to the
main menu.
August 20, 2009
IACRA Version 7.2.1 released. This release contains the following changes: - Users now have the ability to save IACRA applications as .pdf files.
IACRA Version 7.2 released. This release contains the following changes: - ASI Cannot Review Document When Endorsing Inspection Authorization – In IACRA an Aviation Safety Inspector (ASI) is prompted with a ‘Review Document’ button after performing an Inspection Authorization endorsement. Previously when this button was clicked no document was presented to the user. IACRA has been modified to present the 8610-1 document endorsed by the ASI
- Private Pilot with Foreign-Only Not Displaying on 8170 – This modification will correct an issue causing applications to be rejected by the Airman Registry – specifically, the foreign block D on the 8710 was not being marked. The following application types were corrected:
- Restricted, add U.S. test passed rating, private pilot far 61 Completion of Required Test, added instrument rating, instrument ASEL with foreign and restricted private ASEL
- Standard Commercial Pilot, Far 61 Completion of Required Test Original with foreign and restricted data displayed in both Block A and D
- Digital Signature & Document Presentation Enhancement – All certificates, applications, test results, etc. can now be reviewed, saved and printed without the need for Adobe PDF Reader. Intermittent Digital Signature issues have been corrected.
- Change Inactive Country ‘Germany, Berlin’ to Germany – When IACRA retrieves address information from the Airman Registry, country code 385 (Germany, Berlin) will be converted to 390 (Germany). This will prevent an application error that currently occurs when users have Germany, Berlin associated with his/her address.
- CFI Sport Required to Hold Sport Certificate - IACRA was requiring that for a CFI sport pilot path, the applicant must hold the sport pilot certificate rating that the CFI is seeking. IACRA has been modified so that if the applicant has any of the following: Private, Recreational, Commercial, ATP or any type of Sport pilot, that an application can be submitted. The airman needs only to hold a PILOT certificate with the rating for which he is testing. It can be at any level that has the privilege or rating.
- 8710 Shows Old Expiration Date for Renewed CFIs in Grace Period - In a prior release IACRA was modified to allow users with expired CFI certificates within the established grace period to continue to operate in IACRA after verifying a pending renewal had been submitted by the user. Previously, the user’s expiration date from the expired certificate was being displayed on the application. With this change, the new expiration date will now be reflected on the application.
- Option to Print Temporary Certificate in Wallet Size – IACRA will now give users the option of printing a smaller temporary certificate that, when cut out, may easily be folded and placed in a wallet. The full-size temporary certificate will still be available. Both temporary certificates are available on Sport Pilot and CFI Sport applications.
- ‘Examkind’ Exceptions in PTRS Records – Examkind values were updated to correct PTRS record exceptions for the following certification types:
- Sport Pilot Completion of Required Test - Original Issuance
- Sport Pilot Using Ultralight hours
- FI Sport Far 61 Completion of Required Test Original
- FI Sport Far 61 Completion of Required Renewal
- FI Sport Far 61 Completion of Required Reinstatment
- FI Sport Activities Renewal as Flight Instructor Activities Renewal
- FI Sport Duties and Responsibilities Renewal as Flight Instructor Activities Renewal
- FI Sport FIRC Renewal as Flight Instructor Activities Renewal
- Private 142 Original
- Private 142 Instrument
- Commercial 142 Original
- Commercial 142 Added Instrument
Note: This change will be made a few days following the release of 7.2.- FAR 141 - Error Preventing CO from Signing Application – A DE can now retrieve a submitted application without Examining Authority (with the graduation date) for: 141 Private Pilot (Original, Added Category, Added Rating, Added Instrument), Commercial (Original and Added Category) and ATP (Original). The IACRA Training site has been updated to include curriculum that do not have Examining Authority.
- City & State Improperly Trimmed in Location of Test Section – Location of Test was previously limited to 50 characters. With the 7.2 release Location of Test will now accommodate 100 characters. This will prevent improperly truncated Location of Test data.
- Prevent CO from Signing Off on Own Application – Previously in IACRA a CO could sign off on his/her own application. These applications were rejected by the Airman Registry. With the 7.2 release CO’s may no longer sign off on their own applications.
- Remove Discontinued Agricultural Limitation - The limitation: "Not valid for agricultural aircraft operations" has been discontinued and is no longer used by the Airman Registry for new applications. Users will no longer be able to select this limitation from within IACRA.
- 508 Compliance – IACRA will be fully 508 compliant with the 7.2 release.
- Remove Any Reference to 'Flight Instructor Privileges' – Temporary certificates generated by IACRA will no longer display the limitation ‘Flight Instructor Privileges’. The Airman Registry has indicated this verbiage is no longer used.
- Firefox Login Enhancement – Previously when users logged into IACRA using Firefox, the IACRA login page was briefly displayed before the user was redirected to the IACRA main menu. Users will be taken directly to the IACRA main menu with the 7.2 release.
- Limitation Wording Changes – Limitations referred to in 14 CFR 61.133(b) will be updated to match the limitations used by the Airman Registry. Specifically the two affected limitations with the updated wording are:
- Data Not Cleared When Switching Between Flight and Ground Instructor – Previously if a user started an application as a CFI ACC and then changed the sought certification to Ground Instructor Original, Certain CFI data, including certificate data, was retained on the application. With the 7.2 release, this data will be blanked out as it is not applicable to Ground Instructor.
- Add Checkmark to “View Application Status” Link on Airworthiness Checklist – Previously when this link was clicked in the CO checklist within IACRA, a checkmark did not appear beside it. In order to be consistent, in the 7.2 release, once clicked, a checkmark will now appear next to the link.
- CFI Sport Pilot – Certificate Info Not Auto-Populated – Previously, certificate information was not properly auto-populated for CFI Sport Pilot. This information had to be entered manually by the user. With the 7.2 release, this certificate information, if it exists, will be automatically added to the application.
- Firefox Reissue Certificate Held Display Issue – Previously if a Firefox user added more than five certificates to Reissue Certificate page in IACRA, the submit button would partially obscure the entered certificates. This alignment issue has been corrected in 7.2.
- Recover Password with Changed Email Address Error – Previously the recover password functionality would cause an error if the user chose to change the email address associated with his/her IACRA registration. This issue has been corrected in 7.2.
- Remove Added Category Issuance from Sport and CFI Sport - The Added Category/Class issuance type from Sport Pilot and CFI Sport Pilot since IACRA is not working correctly for Proficiency Checks. The correct functionality will be added to IACRA in a subsequent release.
- Add Expiration Date to DE Section on 8710-1/Temporary Certificate for Ground Instructor Applications – In the 7.2 release the expiration date will be added for the GIE designation of the Designated Examiner in the 8710-1 DE section "Designation Expires" field and on the temporary certificate. The expiration date will be added when the DE signs off on Ground Instructor applications.
- Temporary Certificate Link Not Displayed – Previously, when completing any application that generates a temporary certificate (i.e. private pilot far 61 original) after the DE has signed the application, the temporary certificate link has been clicked and the 8710-1 has been reviewed, the temporary certificate link was no longer displayed on the page. This issue has been corrected in 7.2.
- Remove ‘Unknown’ Country Selection from Registration and Personal Data Pages – ‘Unknown’ in any of the country drop-down lists have been removed with the IACRA 7.2 release.
- Add Four New Limitations to IACRA – Four new limitations have been added to IACRA: three of the limitations are for private, commercial, and ATP pilots, and one limitation for flight instructors.
- 231- May not serve as a Pilot in Command or a Required Pilot Crewmember for flights requiring the use of radio communications.
- 232- May not serve as a Required Pilot Crewmember in an aircraft that requires more than one Pilot Crewmember by the aircraft certificate or by regulation, nor serve as a Safety Pilot for the Purpose of 14 CFR Part 91.109(b)
- Not valid for flights outside the United States.
- May not serve as a Flight Instructor in flight.
- ATP 121 Application Modification - If applying for any 121 paths, and the simulator / training device level of C or D is selected, a medical certificate, the aircraft model number and test duration is no longer required. Conversely, if any other simulator / training device level is selected then these are required. A new field has also been added to enter the duration of the simulator test. These changes are effective with the 7.2 release.
- 142 Paths and Medical certificate/simulator change – 142 ATP Original, Added Type Rating and 142 Commercial Standard Added Type Rating no longer require a medical certificate if the Practical Test is completed on a Level C or D Simulator and no Flight Test is used.
July 16, 2009
IACRA Version 7.1.3 released.
This release contains the following changes:
- IACRA Certificate/Rating Truncated – Type rating for ATP was being cut off in the "Certificate or Rating for which tested" field on page 2 of the 8710-1. This has now been corrected.
April 20, 2009
IACRA Version 7.1 released. This release contains the following changes: - Firefox Compatibility – IACRA now officially supports the Firefox web browser (version 3.0 and later).
- Forgot Password Process – Users are no longer required to enter their FTN when retrieving account passwords.
- Auto-Populate CFI Certificate Information – Existing CFI certificates and ratings are now auto-filled in step three of the certification process.
- Designated Examiners May Retrieve Ground Instructor Applications - Designated examiners with Ground Instructor Examiner designations can now sign off on FAR 61 Ground Instructor applications. This is in accordance with Order 8900-2, Section 19.
December 17, 2008
IACRA Version 7.0 released. This release contains the following changes: - Auto-Populate Certificate Information on Step 3 – Standard certificate data will now be automatically displayed in step 3 of IACRA certification for pilots and instructors. Some important points regarding this change:
- Prefixes and suffixes on the airman certificate are included
- This change will apply to all new applications
- Certificate data will be automatically populated on existing applications only if the user removes all certificate information from the application, logs out of IACRA, then retrieves the application again
- Once certificate data has been added or modified, Step 3 will not be affected by auto-populate
- Users may still add/remove ratings, certificate numbers, and date of issuance
Please also note the following exceptions to the certificate data automatically retrieved:- No LTA Gas Balloon
- No LTA Gas Balloon w/ AH
- No Vintage Aircraft Auth
- No Sport Pilot ratings
- No Gyroplane
- No Restricted Certificates
- No Foreign Certificates
- No CFI Certificates
- No expired certificates
- Certificate must exist in Airman Registry
- Airworthiness Screens Updated to be More Consistent with Other Paths - Steps were re-ordered to be more consistent with other IACRA paths and the basis of renewal grid was updated.
- Enhanced Calendar Controls - Calendars are used throughout the IACRA site in order to allow users to select dates graphically. All calendars have been enhanced to load faster and appear within the current browser window – rather than opening a new browser window.
- Warning at Login / Registration if Using an Incompatible Browser - Users viewing the IACRA site with an unsupported browser will now be prevented from logging in and receive a message indicating only Internet Explorer versions 5 and greater are supported. Additionally users will receive a similar message and be prevented from proceeding if attempting to register using an incompatible browser. Firefox browser support is currently under development.
- Sort USA to Top of Country Drop-Downs – USA now appears first in all country drop-downs.
- State & Zip Code For Non-USA Countries in Inspection Authorization – State and zip code are no longer required for non-USA countries.
- Disable Clicking on Current Tab – Previously the IACRA certification module allowed users to click on the currently displayed tab causing the page to refresh and the loss of any data the user had already entered or selected on the displayed form. With 7.0, users are now prevented from clicking on the current tab.
- Aircraft Maintenance Screen Redesign – The Aircraft Maintenance screen was rewritten with a simplified, more intuitive interface that requires no scrolling within the browser window.
September 3, 2008
IACRA Version 6.3 released. This release contains the following changes: - CFI Renewal Grace Period – CACFI and RI roles in IACRA will no longer be restricted in IACRA based on an expired CFI certificate during the 120-day grace period if the user has a pending renewal in IACRA or has renewed on paper.
- ATP & Aircraft Dispatcher Signatures – An intermittent problem with ATP and Aircraft Dispatcher signatures has been corrected.
- Remove Dual Citizenship Question – Users will no longer be asked if they hold dual citizenship. The user will only select their citizenship country. If the selected country is USA, USA Citizen will be indicated on the 8710. If the user selects any other country, “other” will be selected under citizenship on the 8710 and the accompanying blank will indicate the country the user selected.
- Blank Page Removal – Users viewing and printing and IACRA forms will no longer be presented with pages that are completely blank except for the text “This page intentionally left blank”.
- Accept Only USA Driver’s License – IACRA will no longer accept a non-USA driver’s license as a valid form of identification.
- Increase Font Size in 8710 – The contents of key fields on the 8710 will now be rendered by IACRA in a larger font size in order to increase readability.
April 30, 2008
IACRA Version 6.0.5 released. This release contains the following changes: - Users can now log in using only username and password.
- The paths on the path list page are now expandable/collapsible making it easier to drill down to specific paths.
- FAQ and What's New in IACRA previews have been added to the home page.
February 22, 2008
IACRA Version 6.0.3 released.
Pilot Hours Decimals – After the 6.0 release, when certain decimal values were entered in the pilot hours fields on Step 5, decimal values were incorrectly adjusted to be 0.01 less than the actual entered hours. 6.0.3 removes this adjustment.
February 6, 2008
IACRA Version 6.0.2 released.
CFI Expiration – Corrects an issue in which the submission date of an application is in one month and the CO final sign off occurs in the next. The expiration date on the temporary certificate incorrectly showed the submission month rather than the final sign off month as printed by the CO.
January 24, 2008
IACRA Version 6.0.1 released.
Spaces in Last Name – In the 6.0 release, requirements for the last name field on the Personal Information page were modified. As a part of this change, spaces were no longer allowed in the last name. 6.0.1 corrects this – spaces are once again allowed in the last name.
January 14, 2008
IACRA Version 6.0.0 released.
This release contains the following changes:
- Addition of the ReIssuance paths - You can reissue a pilot certificate based on removing limitation(s) -- or You can reissue a CFI certificate with a gold seal.
- Addition of the Second-in-Command path. The purpose is to add the SIC Privileges Only limitation to typeratings for pilots who are landing in foreign countries.
- Addition of the Flight Engineer path. The basis of application include standard, Foreign Based – FAR 63.42 and Special Purpose – FAR 63.23
- Validation of the ATP hours. If required, all basis of application.
- IACRA generated PTRS records will contain the practical test hours in the MISC field in the format G9.9/F9.9. Ground hours will include the oral portion of the practical test. The flight hours will include a sum of simulator / training device / flight check #1 / flight check #2 portion of the practical test.
- Issuance of a 61.75 Foreign Based Certificate with an instrument rating. This is for Private Pilot, original issuance.
- Security questions added to registration in order to aid in identity verification when users contact support central. Also allows users to change an email address even if he/she has forgotten the registration password.
August 2, 2007
IACRA Version 5.3.5 released.
This release contains the following changes:
- Registration and Login pages will now have the same look and feel of the IACRA home page
- Revised “Forgot Password” email – now includes user name, new password and email address
- FTN and username will now be emailed to user at time of registration
- Chief Flight Instructor with a Commercial Balloon Certificate and no Certified Flight Instructor Certificate can register as an RI to sign a Commercial Balloon application
- Changed the verbiage in Sport Pilot previously called the "Grandfather" Option to "Using Ultralight Hours"
- Instructor with a Certified Flight Instructor Certificate "In Category" can sign a Sport Pilot/Sport CFI application
- A DPE with a SPE designation "In Category" can sign a Sport Pilot application
- A DPE with a SPFIE designation "In Category" can sign a Sport CFI application
- A Flight Instructor can add an Initial Gold Seal to an existing Instructor Certificate